Quick Question!

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by waffleheaddd, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. where is the best place to purchase Blowers? OR what is the cheapest brand? MUCH LOVE CG. needin some help here.:smoking:
  2. The best blower is a dayton IMO. If you are referring to inline blowers Vortex is good. I like my Windtunnel from sunleaves so far and valuline from CAP is a good inline. Discounthydroponics.com is good, plantlightinghydroponics.com is good, and greencoast is good (can't remember their website off hand.)
  3. plantlightinghydroponics.com is the cheapest but I got a broken fan from them and still havent heard back, this was over a week ago. Luckily i bought the valueline from c.a.p. who has great customer service so i called them directly and they're sending a replacement.

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