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Quick Question

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by capitalCity, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. #1 capitalCity, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2010
    So I bought a nice bong when I was home over winter break at a shop in Venice called Smokin Heaven. Loved the piece, brought it back to school and a week has gone by since the purchase. and look what happened



    It sucks, I've accepted it. If I were to buy another from say, here, would the ash catcher I have fit in any of them?

  2. Bongs are all different sizes, i'm sure you can find one in your area that will fit your ash catcher.
  3. what the fuck how did that happen haha? you can like put it your sink and still smoke with it haha:rolleyes:
  4. ^^As above? What the hell happened? I'm assuming the base is glass?
  5. That's crazy. Like the other poster said though, you can still use it in a bucket or something but man that's weird.

    edit- And yes, your AC appears to have a 14mm joint which would be the "smaller" of the two standard joint sizes for glass on glass pieces, the other being 18mm.
  6. I don't see why you couldn't find one. What size is it? Just find a piece with the same joint size. Or you can always purchase adapter pieces
  7. hah you could find lie a container or bowl and put your tube in there to smoke with.

    Thats crazy lol it must have been shitty glass for that to happen.

    CLEAN your ashcatcher until it looks brand new and bring it with you when you go to shop for a new piece. But if you want to see if it fits, say your brought your ac to see if it fits, and that its completly clean. Some shops freak out if you pull out shit they dont know about.
  8. Never thought of that haha. All i did was pick it up off my table and the bottom just fell out.

    Thanks for the responses everyone
  9. thats such crap! i suppose thats what happens when you buy shit in venice. thanks for deterring me should i ever go there and decide whether or not i want to buy a bong. good luck though, im sorry that happened. it looks really cool with the designs and shit
  10. I've gotten several pieces from Smokin Heavin and these were the first that I've ever had break, severely disappointing. Not to mention I'm all the way across the country so I cant even go down to give em a piece of my mind until I get home in May :/

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