hello fellow growers as coco has no food in it do i have to feed from day1? im using an 3 part ph perfect nutes thanks
I do a feed every few days. So it feed then wait till she really to be water then feed. As the plant gets older you should yup the Nutes or the feed. I didn't up my Nutes this grow I just fed more frequent, instead of feed-water-water- n repeat while making the solution stronger http://forum.grasscity.com/index.php?/topic/1313961-First-Grow-In-A-While
Yeh feed every time u water coco As said above when small u be watering every other day but as they grow an u transplant to bigger pots more water an once the roots fill the pot every day water n feed In veg I go up to 0.8 max ec as this keeps them hungry an hydrated even large plants can thrive in a low ec like this an in flower max ec 1.4/5 this way u will never have to flush salt build up with a low ec Hope this helps