Quick question - massive headache cure

Discussion in 'General' started by Stoner Johnny, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. What is best to get rid of a massive killer headache I got as a consequence of being fucked up all day yesterday.
    Reply quickly my head is pounding my eyes out!:eek:
    All I got here with me is
    Ibuprofin 200 mg
    aleve 220 mg
    aspirin 81 mg
  2. Drink some tea with honey in it, take some aleve and go for a walk.
  3. Smoke some bud that should help. It usually helps me when I get bad headaches.
  4. Thanks everyone for your help.
    I really hope this headache goes away soon.
  5. take some medicine, a vitamin would help too, and eat something (with a decent amount of sodium in it) and get some fluids in you. Go back to sleep for a couple hours and you should be good.
  6. My throats still kinda tight. Its hard to swallow. Yea I did also get a little dehydrated , I threw up three times in the same day yesterday. Developed the worst case of cottonmouth I never dreamed was even possible.. But I did have one of the best trips I ever had!! So I say it evens out.
  7. honestly, marijuana is a good cure. But if you don't want to smoke, I say you take some ibuprofen. Cheebaa has some pretty good advice there

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