I just ordered some potassium nitrate (KNO3) for a few explosive experiments... I read up on it and noticed it's a great fertilizer! Potassium nitrate is mainly used in fertilizers, as a source of nitrogen and potassium – two of the macro nutrients for plants. When used by itself, it has an NPK rating of 13-0-44. Potassium nitrate is moderately soluble in water, but its solubility increases with temperature. The aqueous solution is almost neutral, exhibiting pH 6.2 at 14 C for a 10% solution of commercial powder. Sounds like a bad ass nute! Anyone use this or like the idea? BTW i ordered a pound of it off ebay for like 15 bucks.
ive always wondered if there was some miracle bud exploder! Freakishly huge buds! keep us posted please
LOL. Potassium Nitrate is used in almost every nutrient line on the planet. Chemists have been producing it for hundreds of years. That's why I was asking him what else he was going to use with it. It would be horrible to use by itself. It's simply a source of nitrogen and potassium. Nothing more.
Well i was primarily looking for using as a blooming agent... It just kind of blew my mind because I've had like 2 or 3 mini grow ops and a ready supply of Potassium Nitrate and never thought it could have helped... I'll make sure to use it in my next grow.