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Quick guys help!

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by robbieboy, May 13, 2011.

  1. hi guys i recently cut these 2 clones off my mother plant and did it all correctly i think. I cut the stem on the angle and cut the bottom branches off dipped it in water then in root powder and have put them in soil now back in the grow room. that was about 4 hours ago. is this how they should look?

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  2. you must keep the soil wet until they root
  3. i am m8 i'm constanlty watering the soil in aim to keep it wet but am off to bed soon. How long do they take to root? do u think they will be ok?

  4. #1 They don't look okay
    #2 They take about 1-4 weeks to root
    #3 I haven't rooted cannabis cuttings in soil, but you would at the very least need a humidity dome (make or buy) cellophane would work.
    #4 They are wilting it looks like, need water, you would be better off rooting them in a bottle of water than the soil I think (which i have accomplished).
  5. Thanks for ur help m8 i have the rooting stuff and have now put them into bottles of water. so it takes 1-4 weeks to root? do i leave them in the grow room with the mother plant?

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  6. They are hugely big, and too leafy. When you make cuttings you then have something that needs to be able to survive without roots for a week, so you prune your cutting to about 2 fingers of a fan leaf and a growing node. All those full sized leaves evaporate water out thru the leaf surfaces and require nutritional exchange for the leaves themselves, which you won't have because you have no roots. You have to made the cutting the least nutritionally demanding as possible.

    So, first, the soil needs to be wetter, then I would cut all the lower stuff off and push it down into the soil farther, more stem in soil, more roots. Then cut all but three actual blades off of what's on top in the leaves, and cover the whole thing in a plastic bag on a stick framework for the moisture you need or put it in a clone dome....and warmth, they need to be warm.
  7. oh ok so i'll pu them back in the soil then and cut the big leaves off and push it right down and wrap it in a plastic bag? how often shall i water it?
  8. My advice would be to read a lot of cloning guides. Only submerge the tip in water. If you have just the tip in water and preferably darkened they should root. I would take new cutting, clip fan leaves in half, provide humidity, take smaller cuts, etc. They might be okay but i wouldn't count on it. I suggest building a bubble cloner or a cheap rubbermaid aero cloner.
  9. ok m8 i havent got the right equipment at the mo. all i've done is kept them in those bottles and cut the big leaves off. Put a plastic bag over them and and put them back in the grow room and see what happens i think they are a right off but hey. thanks for ur advise m8
  10. #10 sinsemillaplease, May 14, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2011
  11. you need a plate or bowl under the pot to hold water
    next time you take cuttings cut off all the big leafs
    i use big peat plugs they work great i get about 9-10 clones to root thats good
  12. ...I agree, an aerocloner will raise your success rate to near 100% everytime....but, if your going to continue to clone in soil....I suggest you get a humidity dome, seedling heating pad and some rooting hormone. Dip your cuttings into the hormone when you take the cut, keep your soil warm, and keep the humidity as high as possible (I like to mist my dome, not the plants). You should have roots within a couple weeks. Your cuttings may wilt the first few days, but they will stand back up if everything is going right. Lift your dome occasionally to get a little air exchange (2-3 times per day) after the 3rd-4th day. You want to slowly adapt the young ones to the environment you plan to have them in....good luck.

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