Quick DXM question

Discussion in 'General' started by mushroomsatsuji, Jun 9, 2007.

  1. Ok so I thought I might try DXM tonight. Ive never tried it before so what would be a good beginners dose? I have done salvia before so I can handle tripped relatively well. I was thinking 300-400mg as recommended by Erowid. Also how long before it kicks in?
  2. Um idk anything about DXM not my cup of tea. Acid & shrooms dude. But anyway yeah thought I would bump this for you since no one posted anything and your pretty cool.
  3. I'd take a low dose, like 50-150 mg just to make sure you aren't allergic or ultra-sensitive to the drug just to be safe. If you aren't allergic to it or anything then 300-400 mg's is an alright starting dose. Depending on your method of ingestion, it can take from 30 minutes to 2 hours to kick in. The very first time I did DXM I tried 240 mg and it was the funnest shit ever.
  4. ok I took 240mg about 30 min ago and its kickin in. My heart is fucking racing.
  5. so howd the trip go??:hippie:
  6. Ok that was weird. I just went from a real nervious feeling to a really plesant one. My heart is still pounding but not as much as before.

    No hallucinations though.
  7. that happened to me one of my first trips, i was just coming up on 300 mg and i was getting nervous because i was still new to the feeling, and within seconds i felt great. i havent tripped in awhile:rolleyes:
  8. Nevermind......
  9. Man screw DXM. that shit is bad for you. You might as well sniff glue.

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