Quick acid question.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Jimothy, Oct 7, 2009.

  1. When I did acid, I was told to keep the paper in my mouth until it dissolved rather than just swallow it because it hits you faster according to my friend. Is there any truth to this?

    Also, are there ways to trip harder? Like how you can put shrooms in lemon juice to intensify the effects.
  2. ive heard you eat greasey foods to intensify acid. not 100% sure though.
  3. Well it's half true. If you let it dissolve in your mouth it goes straight to your system (pretty much), while eating it, your body has to break down anything in your stomach as well as the LSD.

    As for tripping harder vitamin C works wonders, drink a glass of OJ right before .
  4. Pretty much anything that speeds up your metabolism will help to make you trip harder, at least with shrooms. As far as the acid question, I've always let it dissolve just because you have to wait for it to metabolize otherwise. On a different note, make sure you chew your shrooms thoroughly, as nasty as many people think the flavor is, they take much less time to be metabolized when they are chewed completely. Energy drinks with ginseng helps.
  5. I'm not too sure about what will make you trip harder, besides taking more acid :smoke:

    If i'm not mistaken it does hit you faster if you keep it in your mouth/under your tongue so it gets absorbed through your mucous membranes.
  6. Yeah when i first started doing acid, i was told to leave it on/under my tongue until the paper is almost dissolved. Then chew the paper up and swallow it...

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