
Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by Anthoni, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. I'm looking at getting a 32"x32"x24" tent
    My question is can I get 5 plants to grow at least 10oz of dried herbs well this be enough space?

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  2. An what size light should I us?

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  3. In 2.5 gallon yes that's fine if bigger then no

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  4. No, I could get that out of a 48"x48" area if it was 72" high, but 24" gives you no room if they stretch even if scrogged and you'll need multiple, cool running lights cause you wont have room for the light and heat to diffuse.
  5. Thanks a lot
    So what light set up an nice size tent should I us

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  6. 50w per sq foot minimum seems to be the recommended amount of light. Figure out what tent you want and do the math to figure out what light you need.
  7. Thanks

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