Questions With Nutrients Transitioning into Flower?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by bluntsnbongs420, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. Hello,

    I have a outdoor setup going. About 12 plants, Sour Diesels, Pure Kush's, og clones, & bag seeds, and the majority are 1ft+ - almost 2 feet, besides the newest babies

    they have started to show the first signs of flower and i have been using for nutes

    Fox Farm big bloom
    Bonticare Sweet Grape
    GH Flora Nova 7.4.10

    My other nutes i have and plan on using on flower:

    Bonticare Pure Blend Pro Bloom 1-4-5
    Bonticare cal mag plus 2-0-0

    What nutrients should i keep using from the veg cycle?

    all opinions and information will be greatly appreciated
  2. Is your gh flora nova the bloom or veg
    If u hav the bloom u can use 8ml per gallon to run all through the plant cycle

    Anything with high phosphorus
    Mybe a bud enhancer like
    AD big bud
  3. the GH Flora Nova is a ONe Part grow. Im guessing its for veg..

    But what combinations of my nutes can i use for flower?
  4. Idk ive only used the oom after finding out it can replace the flora nova grow

    I jave the bloom running at 6ml a gallon for my base then AD mother earth super tea bloom at 5ml pef galon with 3ml of cal mag per gallon added and some AD big bud 4ml per gallon

    For my soup

    U can mix any ferts aslong as u look at there ppm and levels of nutrients

    Some will be beter from there micro nutrients which differ in brand
  5. Thanks, Anyone else known what combination of these nutes i should be using?

    Fox Farm big bloom
    Bonticare Sweet Grape
    GH Flora Nova 7.4.10 ONE Part Grow

    My other nutes i have and plan on using on flower:

    Bonticare Pure Blend Pro Bloom 1-4-5
    Bonticare cal mag plus 2-0-0

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