Questions regarding organic soil preparation

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by ChoochZooze, May 10, 2023.

  1. Hey guys! I’ve been lurking on here for a while now feeding off all the beautiful information floating around. It’s been super helpful as this year I finally get to try my hand at growing some smoke!
    A lot of the weed I get at dispensaries around here(maine) tastes really awful(I had one bag smell like new car smell) and I’m guessing it’s because of bottled nutrients not being flushed properly(probably also some issues with drying/curing) so I’m going to go the organic route for my crop.

    I have some questions about getting the soils ready. I’m planning on using about 3 parts Sunshine Mix 4 to 1 part compost and EWC.
    I know the compost should ideally sit for a few weeks before it’s ready. It’s kind of a race against the clock because I’d like my plants to be outside by the first week of June but I can’t afford all that soil and grow bags all at once.
    Would it make sense to get the EWC and compost mixed with some of the sunshine mix and let that sit a few weeks and then add the rest of the soil right before transplanting?

    In other words does all of the soil need to sit with the compost for the whole time or does it just need some soil in it?

    Also, is there really no need to flush out the nitrogen when growing this way? I will be using some alfalfa/kelp tea through the growing season as well.
    I hope these questions make sense lol
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  2. You don't need to let it rest unless the compost is not done cooking. If it's bagged, it's ready to use immediately. Also, no need to flush.
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  3. Perrrrrfect, that is exactly what I wanted to hear
    Also, does that ratio make sense?
    I saw somewhere that a 2:1:1 ratio of peat moss:aeration:humus is a good rule of thumb to go by so I figured if I use sunshine mix that will take care of the peat moss and aeration
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  4. get a bag of coast of maine and start them in solo cups , if you plan to make your own soil and find the need to cook it , the solo cups give you a extra 2 or 3 weeks .
    you be better off going equal 1/3rds with your mix though
    just my 2 cent
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  5. I’ve never used sunshine mix, but generally bagged mixes have less aeration than what you want. so you will probably want to buy some extra perlite to add. I think with most bagged mixes, the company is afraid people will see too much perlite (the right amount), and think they are getting ripped off.
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  6. How much perlite are we talkin here?
    I’m lookin at a total of 16 cu ft of soil, would 2 cubic feet of perlite be sufficient seeing as there’s already a little in the mix? Or even more?

    I’ve been using Coast of Maine products in my “square” garden for years, I’m excited to try them out on something a bit hipper
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  7. While it's not technically organic, I have developed a standard formula for mixing up a fresh batch. Works pretty well both indoors and out; I use mushroom compost as opposed to manure because the smell - additional nutes are handled during feeding after a month or so from seed.
  8. It’s probably like 10% perlite. I would add 1/4 gallon perlite to 3/4 gallon of the bagged mix.
  9. Excellent, thank you so much!
  10. i went with a 5 gal bucket of soil
    5 gal bucket of compost
    then 1/2 5 gal bucket of perlite and then another half bucket of vermiculite, and honestly it is to airy for my liking , i dont care for rice hulls , and not really much for the small perlite
    so in my OWN opinion and your sugestion the prize winner is small wood chips , so next batch it will be.
    i have used the kiddie play ground wood chips in my earth bed in the lower garden and they work probally better than anything ive ever used , there just pricey right now along with the rest of the worldly goods
    so to the OP you might consider them also if they are chip in your neck of the woods, im talking red neck cause organic sinse is a red neck hahahah
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  11. Would mulch work? That would be super cheap
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  12. Since this is your very first grow, I think you should keep it simple and just use perlite.
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  13. Ya, that makes sense haha
    I’ll keep it simple
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  14. If you can get pumice in bulk it’s good for aeration
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    • Agree Agree x 1

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