Questions for Athiest

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Grizmoblust, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. I am basically an atheist I don't really believe in God, I just go through the motions every once in a while. I NEVER try to convince somebody else not to believe in God though. I can't stand stand atheists who spend their time preaching atheism with their smug attitudes. If believing in God gives someone comfort in this fucked up mad house of a planet, then good for them. I agree with the OP that an atheist statist would be a fool. But really OP you've cast too wide of a net with your title. Anyways may the Force be with y'all.
  2. Hey pal, if you don't believe that Jesus preached the virtues of Supply Side Economics then you obviously hate America. Enjoy your eternity in hell, socialist pig.

  3. Interesting,

    I always thought atheists had faith the same as theists, they just had faith no God existed.

    Always thought deism was the way to go tbh
  4. false dilemma is false.

    nice try, though.

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