questions. first grow

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by thewalrusiam, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. ok guys i have a few questions for ya. im working on a single plant grow in a 2x2x5'3" tent. i have some organic mollasses that for now i have been mixing with her water but i was told i shouldnt do that. should i add the mollases to my nutrient solution so that when i water, its just water? or does it matter? also, im trying to get things together for my next grow and i wanted to know what would be the best method to use for my space. scrog, sog, or just one big ass plant lol. any input is appreciated

  2. ...molasses is used to feed the microbes, keeping them alive to provide your roots with their waste...organically, this is how your plants recieve the needed elements. Keeping the microbes alive is your objective, therefore feeding the microbes is what you want to do. Betterso, make more microbe life! Add some guanos, earthworm castings, and kelp to populate microbes, use your molasses to keep them alive once established...alot of growers only use molasses throughout the final phases of flowering :smoke:....good luck man.
  3. #3 GrowMoe, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
    Yes, good input, trichome. It helps with the microbial life, but it's also contains a lot of micro nutrients, and of course sugars (carbohydrates). There's a very informative thread about molasses in the advanced growing section. I know poeple do it both ways, some with plain water, and some with the nute-mix. I would read that thread if if were you. ;)

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