Questions and answers.

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by AresKenux, Jul 6, 2012.

  1. To question is to seek truth. To answer is to know it. If you do not know a/the truth, then you may ask. But to know the truth is excellence. But what comes of the man that knows the answers to his own questions?

    Is to realize that you know nothing, the truth?

    If so, then why does everyone act like they know anything?
  2. Mistaken identity with the ego mind :smoke:
  3. To realise we know nothing is a great achievement. Why? Because there really is nothing to know. God is all there is. Everything we are is already all we can be - we are perfect right now. Not realising this is why we look down. Looking down makes us forget, lose sight of, who we really are (this starts at childhood, and comes from parents, family, teachers, etc), and we slowly but surely become permanently caught inside the same insanity. If we do this for long enough, and most do it their whole lives, we forget who we are so entirely that there was never another way to be. The things we then create to fill the hole, that are designed to occupy our time, that we believe are so important, in order to give life a sense of meaning, are nothing more than illusions that keep us inside this reality of own making.

    We are powerful beyond measure, and can literally create whatever reality we want. The secret is to realise this, and when you do, you become someone who looks up again. Once you do this, everything else falls into place.

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