Questions about vaping herbs and neurotoxicity ⚠️

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by Persona78, Oct 25, 2023.

  1. Hi everybody :wave:
    Sorry in advance for my bad english I'm not a native English speaker. I just recently join this website in order to ask theses questions because I doubt that many people would have answered me if i'd asked on french websites.
    So I stopped smoking joints just a month ago because I've had a surgery that required it. the surgeon had to cut the nerve and told me that I needed to completely stop smoking during at least 45 days in order for the nerve to regrow. I know that smoking tobacco affect the nerve's growth ( I don't know if it's tobacco itself or smoking though ) so I would like to know if vaping weed could affect the nervous system ? I know it's kind of medical question but I'm having trouble finding studies on the topic on internet and I doubt that my doctor is fully honest on this peticular topic even if I owe him a lot. I also would like to consume in a healthier way and not restart smoking so I really would like to know.
    thanks to those who will respond and those who reads me:thankyou:
  2. YES! Ask your doctor about any concerns you have......not a weed forum.
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  3. Because cannabis affects everyone differently it is always best to follow your doctors advice and stay away for the amount of time recommended
    I would go an extra week or two for peace of mind
    We still do not know a lot about cannabis medical benefits because of prohibition so best to be safe
  4. Its 45 days without weed, Not long enough to worried about.
    Getting advise, on a maybe it will effect your nerve growing back together or not, is not worth taking any chances. Safe is not smoking like your surgeon recommended.
    Again its only 45 days
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. You certainly do not need to apologize! Your English is a lot better than my French.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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