questions about sphagnum peat moss

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by supa420, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. I was recently in the hardware store and came across a bale of compressed peat moss for about $12 it says 3cu.ft on the bag, I recently constructed a mini greenhouse and wanted to put a small garden under it, but the soil has a lot of clay in it, I was wondering if this was to use because I was going to use it for my pots. I've been growing in pots for years but have just bought bags of soil already made.

    My question is if I get the peat moss what other things a I going to have to add in order to get the best results, I'm trying to use as much organic products I can

    any advice would be great
  2. Peat moss is the base for an organic soil.  Might wanna read up on some organic soil mixes.
  3. #5 kahgknow, Jan 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2014
    Good call wet. Take his advice supa the first page will tell you how to construct your soil and how to re-amend. Once you find what your looking for you can head over to jerry's new thread and try and see where you can source your amendments. If you need help ask lots of questions there are a ton of folks that will help you find something your looking for in your area.

  4. Also worth mentioning that "Canadian sphagnum peat moss" is far superior to plain "peat moss," for a ton of reasons, including microbial activity, pH, sustainability, etc
    Took me far too long to get to this state of mind. Hundreds of threads, discussions, research papers, etc. and all I really needed to do was sit down and practice the "small" stuff.
    Eloquence usually coincides with simplicity, imo.
  6. So true. My soil mix used to be crazy with assorted amendments. It took me a couple years to figure out I really didn't need that Tibetan Green Eyed Seabird Guano harvested from a tiny cave on a mountainside cliff during the full moon.

    Simple = good.

  7. [quote name="jerry111165" post="19417288" timestamp="1390856262"]So true. My soil mix used to be crazy with assorted amendments. It took me a couple years to figure out I really didn't need that Tibetan Green Eyed Seabird Guano harvested from a tiny cave on a mountainside cliff during the full moon.Simple = good.J[/quote]Hiya J, have you got a link for that Tibetan guano?Sounds like it is just what I need.Was it from a southern exposure?Did the harvester select the really good shit?What about the chant? Did he do the chant? old Hippies Organic Garden.
    My first *organic* amendments were from LC's mix. Blood, Bone, and Kelp meals and it worked great!
    The worm bins were just getting started and the base mix I had been using for years, but with Peters, now Jacks Classic.
    Then ..... I started reading and adding amendments and going downhill till I finally figured out that I was a long, long way from my home and started working my way back.
    As the Green Eyed Seabird Guano ran out, it was not replaced and my plants are much happier. So is my wallet.

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