questions about roommates in college and meeting new people

Discussion in 'General' started by PistolBerserk, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. Im a senior right now and planning on going to LSU next year. im just wondering how they choose your dorm mate for you? has anyone ever had a shitty roommate? how do you basically meet new people while in college? im not going with anyone i know so im just wondering like where or how i will meet new people.. in class? people that live in my dorm? im pretty much gonna be going there with none of my friends. any advice would help so i kinda know what to expect.
  2. That new movie coming out called Roommates...

    That's what it's going to be like man.
  3. ohh noooo :eek:
  4. I had the worst roommate ever and I picked her myself.

    Generally speaking you'll meet people quickly who are in the same situation as you are, living in your dorms and in classes. Don't worry about it to much.
  5. well thanks i just dont know what to expect

  6. Don't be anxious about it. Bad roommates happen, but you'll probably have to fill out a questionare before you get assigned a roommate. Just be honest about yourself and hopefully it'll be ok.

    At the college I went to, we all used to leave our dorm room doors open and people would just come in as they pleased, this is how I met the majority of my college friends.
  7. its really no biggy man. even if its an amish kid whose 6'6 and has never touched a doobie, itll be cool.

    believe me.. ;)

    (no homo)
  8. Hey man i know exactly how your feelin. i went to LSU right when i graduated. You absolutley have to get involved with some sort of club or group that share your intrests. there are plenty of people recruiting for organizations of all sorts in front of the union during the first couple weeks. Dont be shy. Remember that there are thousands of kids there just like you that know absolutely no one. Dont be afraid to start up random conversations w/people. Class is a terrible place to meet people unless its an extremely interactive class which you more than likely wont be in your freshman year. Another thing you might be interested in is a two week "camp" if you will called S.T.R.I.P.E.S. Look it up on their website and take the whole tour thing. It might look whack, but it really is a bad ass time and every one is there for the same reason you are. About the roommate thing. Go to the website and get to the residential life website. you will find everything on there about how getting a roommate works. and yea once you move in just walk around and introduce yourself to everyone around you. The main thing is to just put yourself out there and you will have the best 4 years of your life. Good luck man. hope i helped you out.

    One more thing, its gonna be fuckin rough the first couple weeks just stick it out. you'll be glad you did
  9. im a sophomore this year and one of my 2 roommates is pretty shitty. just a total buzzkill/idiot. it sucks, but the good thing about where im living now is that we all have our own room/bathroom. i wouldnt worry about it too much. most of the time it doesnt work out that way and most of the times if it does you can request for a change.

    as for meeting new ppl, just find things around campus that youre interested in doing (i.e. clubs & sports). LSU should have notices online and around campus about what is going on. you should also be able to meet some people in the classes youre taking (study groups or just talking to them if youre in a smaller class). it may take a little while, but dont get discouraged and just remember that alot of the other freshman on campus are trying to do the same thing. itll work out;)

    keep toking :smoke:

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