Questions about questionable advice

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by SmokeyDreamz, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. Ok someone told me that I am watering my plants wrong and that I should be watering in the morning and at night. This goes against what I have heard in that you should water thoroughly and then allow to dry some before watering again. I water until I get a decent amount of runoff and try to judge by the weight of the pot and the feel of the first few inches of soil when to water again. To my understanding watering a little at a time will cause root bound issues.
    Another thing that this person told me is that I can clone a plant when there is a branch big enough to clone, no matter how old the plant is. What I am getting at is my plants are a few days from being 3 weeks old from topping the soil and I read that you don't want to try to clone a plant under a month old because it will take way longer to root as well as many other problems.
    The person that told me this is kind of a know it all :rolleyes: and I wasn't gonna sit and argue with him about it, I just get on the city and ask some blades to see what they think.
  2. You are correct on the water thing. Marijuana really does like to dry out some between waterings.

    You can, however, take a clone anytime your plant is large enough to take a clone. I have never heard the 1 month rule. There is no botanical reason why a clone taken from a 3 week old "mother" would take longer to root (clones taken in flower take longer to root, however). What other problems have you heard of happening when you take a clone from a young plant?
  3. Watering really depends on a number of things. I don't like using days as a reference. That person may have needed to water twice a day. It really depends on the medium, temperature, pot size, plant size, humidity, and growth stage. Large plants in small pots take water more often. Small plants in large pots or opposite. Now flowering plants drink more than veg plants. The variables are vast.
    Basically I like to water when the top 1in is dry or by picking up my pot like the way you say. And bottom line it comes down to how well the plant is doing for you. If she looks amazing with once a week, why change?

    Now the cloning question. Like Hempstress said you can take a clone as long as there is a branch to clone from. There is normally minimal problems with the mother. It would be like an animal came up and snacked a branch. Many growers do this to clone for sex.

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