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Questions about my first high

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Brenden.dac, May 8, 2016.

  1. So yesterday I smoked for my first time with some friends then stayed the night at his place. I smoke a joint and a bit of some apparently pretty strong stuff and I was really enjoying the high. A couple hours later I was totally out of it and they said I was getting really pale. So I called it a night. When I woke up I could feel that the high had gone down a lot, but I was still pretty burnt. Now it been around 24 hours and I can still feel the high. So my question is is it normal for it to last this long your first time? And also is it normal to turn pale? Any advice would be appreciated as I am totally new to this
  2. You're going to die.
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  3. You smoked too much and it was your first time. This happens. Next time smoke a lot less.
  4. Did you smoke the whole joint by yourself? If so, you probably shouldn't do that again until you've been smoking for awhile. A one hitter or small glass pipe would serve you well. I tend to get pale in the face after a tolerance break (every other week due to finances), so no issues there. You'll be fine in a little bit, try a glass of lemonade and take a shower, that almost always helps.

    Good luck with feeling better, the first time is like no other.
  5. This is normal. It should go away after awhile. Every Time I smoke too much I'm basically High for a whole day.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  6. the residual effect is much stronger when weed is new to you. I remember smoking at 12 AM and waking up at 6 AM to go to school and still felt high. Some of it is placebo, most of it is the fact that you probably fell asleep high which affects your sleep cycle, especially since its new to you.
  7. "Turning pale", you say? Hmmmm, that doesn't sound good at all..... I once knew a chick that had a bad first experience with herb, it was awful....within MINUTES she went from:




    ...Right before our eyes!!
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  8. Thanks for all the replies. it's good to know that's normal effects Next time I'll do a lot less

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