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Questions about mh and hps set up

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by storz, Oct 30, 2022.

  1. #1 storz, Oct 30, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2022
    I have only grown with led and outdoor. I am going old school and using 1000 watt mh/hps bc i am going into a cold garage this winter and will be using a 5x5x6 ft tent.
    Expect temps in garage to run in the low 50s F most of the time.
    Will a 1000 watt mh be good for a 5x5x6 tent?

    I will grow autos so lights will stay on 24/7 to keep tent warm

    Should i use a vented hood and pull air through hood to filter outside tent or non vented and just vent the tent instead? Iow which way would keep temps in mid 70s F?

    Can the bulb over heat if you have a vented hood but do not attach a vent to it but vent the tent?

    I ask all this bc i will need to make adjustments to temp as the garage temps raise and lower with weather conditions

    Is there a switch i can buy that shuts off my light should the inline fan stops working for any reason so i dont burn my house down?

    Finally is purchasing the amazon ipower set ups throwing money away?

    Thanks in advance
    • Creative Creative x 1
  2. a bit concern using the latest digital HPS gear is RF, that static you get on the tv etc, don't forget to get the RF plug should you suspect,
    turning the plants of daily for 4 hour even n the hottest time of the day will ensure they get some sleep,
    I use HPS in winter to save on heating bills and gives me some comfort in that same space, you may have to preheat your air or suffer serious condensation

    good luck
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. Hey thanks for the reminder about condensation. RF plug? where do I get one? TIA
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  4. they cost a bomb ...grill the guy you get the hps off, or like me wrap the cords in kitchen foil and earth to the ballast with tiny wire and tape, it works but looks crazy
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  5. so i wrap the cords in foil and ground the foil to the ballast but I do not wrap the ballast correct?
  6. Vee,

    I just did a lot of speed reading. Thank you for the heads up on RFI with the cheap digital ballasts. I really dont need the headache of RFI messing up neighbors ham radios, tv, or other electrical stuff, I am quitting this grow before I start. RFI combined with the possible condensation issues and trying to control temps is making this endeavor much less attractive. I am gonna save my money for now and just keep my eyes open for cheap used equipment with magnetic ballast and call it good for now. OR figure how to do this with LED, Trying to figure out temp control, odor control, and condensation control with LED is one that I cannot seem to solve with any certainty. If you or others have a suggestion on an LED set up that I can a/c in summer and heat in winter while controlling the other things I mentioned, I am all ears. Actually led was my original preferred plan.
    I'll leave thread open for others to get this info and or any other bits of info that others offer here.
    Thanks again.
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  7. My old magnetic hid ballast were the only ones to fuck up my neighbours radio. Newer electronic or digital hid ballast didn't cause me any problems.
  8. Run lots of qb with enough turnover of fresh air to keep them happy, but not excessive. If you need more heat, cheap blurple panels make lots of it. May add a couple for the heat and a bit of supplemental lighting. The loss of energy to heat is why most of us gave up on them, but they may well help you here. Could use a thermostat-controlled switch to kick off lights if the tent hits say over 90 degrees F so you don’t roach or burn anything if your ventilation kicks off. I wouldn’t give up on it tho. I used to use a few spiral cfl’s to heat up my space in the winter. Think and smoke…a solution will present itself. Cheers

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