Questions about Meditation

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Cold Beahs, Mar 21, 2011.

  1. i have a couple of questions, some that should be simple to answer.

    when you close your eyes, are you looking at your third eye?

    what kind of things is the human body realistically able to achieve, through one lifetime of meditation? as far as levitation and chi powers

    my friend says his aunt can unlock your potential. he said that she was working with his cousin who was playing baseball and he was below average. they worked together for two weeks and he became a noticeablly better player. how does this work?

    how does meditation relate to dreaming?

    i am starting to think that meditation will explain the whole universe.


    can somebody give me a book to read about uncovering out hidden abilities? i understand things like this dont happen over night, but it has always fascinated me since i was a child watching dragonball z
  2. You read through that sticky up thurr in this category? Kamekamehahaha!
  3. i tried so many times, i just cant get myself to look through the whole thing. i guess i need to anyway
  4. One who seeks only the powers on the Path towards Union with God is sure to attain neither.
  5. YES!!
    @ OP, give it much time, thought, and sacrifice. Others before self might help.. Good luck, and don't be afraid to question, question everthing and everyone, always. : D

  6. When are we not united with god?

  7. conscious Union with God. Yes we're all One, but can you take that belief and act as God with it? No, you need to Unite your personal consciousness with the God consciousness.
  8. for the thrid eye question... no thats not how that works, its one of the 7 chakras [if you open your Crown chakra you will go super sayian]

    for the question on miraculous powers.... ill let the buddha answer, here is a proverb. "one day the Buddha met an ascetic who sat by the bank of a river. This ascetic had practiced austerities for 25 years. The Buddha asked him what he had received for all his labour. The ascetic proudly replied that now at last he could cross the river by walking on the water. The Buddha tried to point out that this was such little gain for so much labour, since for one penny the ferry would take him across the river."

    for increasing your potential, a quote from Yogi Mahairshi comes to mind, meditation is like directly watering the root of a plant, when water goes into the root the entire body of the plant will benifit, the key is in the underlooked power of the human mind

    meditation can help with sleep problems or nightmares, doing visualization meditations and the sort can greatly help someone learn to lucid dream, but meditations ae known to give people more realistic dreams but it is not always the case

    and there are not really any credable books for you to look up in open circulation, if there ever were any id say they were all destroyed when the mongols took out bahgdad and alexandria

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