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Questions About Fumo Pipe

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by MarijuanaFlux, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. Has anyone ever used one of these before?  I know about all the cleaning you have to do but I don't mind at all if it delivers a better smoking experience.  Would iso alcohol be the best thing to use to clean the pipe?  Considering buying one of these of the Incredibowl, and I'm wondering which is the better device and why.  Thanks.

  2. Just got mine on Friday actually. I was looking at both and went with the fumo because i like it having the bowl on top and the push button its more convenient. Im gettin ripped smoking just half a bowl. I usually smoked joints before and don't like the burning in your throat with big his. The fumo has zero burning. I bought the party bowl and 9 inch extension tube but have yet to use it. Haven't cleaned it yet but heard that alcohol is all u need. I also like the fact that you can pot it in the freezer before you use it for ice cold hits which i plan on doing tonight. Overall i am VERY happy and would buy again..
  3. I've been using a fumo pipe with a 6" extender tube for about a year now.  Very smooth hit, but cleaning's a bitch.  I use ISO alcohol, with a pipe cleaner (  I lost my metal poker thingy ), cottonbuds, and toilet paper.
    I just purchased the glass bowl, but it just means more cleaning.  But as far as the hit goes, its just right up there as a pipe.  Hits way better than a glass spoon, having the tube means cooler and smooth hits.  Great steamroller.
    The carburator is pretty cool but it would have been just as effective with a hole covered with a finger as a carb ( and again, a bitch to clean... )
    the Billet aluminum body does seem cool, till its hit a few times in a row.
    As far as a handheld steamroller pipe goes, it does the job for me.  Smooth smoke, great filtration, great hits.

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