So, my plant is ready to harvest and i just realized two days ago that I had not flushed. She is growing in soil under 1000 watt hps with some other strains with her. I flushed her out two days ago but she was looking ready to cut down three days ago. Will it hurt to go ahead and chop or should I leave for a few more days? Was also wondering if anyone could help out with some tips on yield. This is my third indoor grow and each one seems to be working out better than the rest. Halfway through the flowering period of this last grow I switched from a 400 watt hps to a 1000 watt. Been feeding with advanced nutes parts a and b. Haven't had a lot of cash to spend on many other nutrients so far. My average yield on the 400 watt was about two ounces per plant. I harvested one plant from my last grow( which was a clone from one of the previous grows) and the yield came out to be right over 2 ounces as well. Was kinda hoping for a higher yield do to the increase in lights. I did increase the number of plants when switching to the 1000 watt( 8 plants), but was still hoping to see a little more yield. All the plants are in about a 6x6 area. Was wondering if anyone had any pointers or if maybe the yield was a little lower because of the switch halfway through flowering?
I dont use your brand of nutes so I had to look them up. advanced nutes parts a and b is recomended for veggitive growth only. it states this on the label . also after you make this correction, you can give your plants a little more food also .... because of the increased light. what kind of bulb do you flower with ?
p.s.the nutes i use state (on their website that,if you feed them accuratly 2 days flush is plenty. since your nutes are not desighned to flower with ,i would recomend to flush at least 5 days with the fifth day no water at all. then (now this is important) cut them down right before the light is schedualed to come on . trust me
I apologize. I wasn't clear on the nutes I've been using. It's the Advanced Nutrients line Sensi Bloom parts A and B. They are both designed for weeks 1-6 of flowering.
i cant get on attitude seeds web site. is it my connection or did it crash ? can u try to go there and tell me if they let you you get on it?