Hey guys. I joined the city yesterday and its been great! i cant stay off the site but im till trying to figure some stuff out. Could someone explain to me about reputation points and how they work and what the different colors mean? Thanks! Happy Tokin'!!
So how do you give out purple because all i saw is i approve and i disapprove beside the reputation thing.
K... Green = Someone who has at least one LIGHT green bar has liked what you said/found it funny and gave you +rep, this rep actually adds to your rep points (every 100 is another bar until you get to light green, then its 200 for next bar) Purple = Someone with no light green bars has given you rep, but it makes no difference on your reputation points Red = Someone with light green bar did not like what you typed and took reputation points away from you.
Cutting off a toe=5 points Cutting off a finger=10 points Cutting off a limb=50 points Cutting off your penis=you win the game
You need 500 rep before you can actually give someone positive or negative rep. Until you have 500 points all of the rep you send is grey/neutral.