Questions about acid

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Analogjesus, Dec 2, 2008.

  1. Hi, I will be trying acid for the first time in a few days (next weekend?) and I have a couple of questions. First of all, I don't really know the kid I am buying it from, he is nice enough but I have only known him for a couple of weeks and I don't know if he would rip me off or not. He said he can get me tabs for $10 a pop which sounds reasonable, but I have no idea what to look for when buying a tab. Do they always have a specific look? I plan to buy 3 hits, and I am going to do it with one of my good friends, but he will not be tripping. I heard a trip sitter is a good idea which is why I asked him to accompany me. Should I take all 3 or 2 or 1? I want a spiritual experience but this is my first time so I don't want to overdo it. Thanks.
  2. Im not sure of anyway to test if the acid is real or not besides taking it, you basically just have to trust the person. They dont always have a specific look to them it should just be a small square of blotter paper which could be plane white or have any number of designs on it. A trip sitter is a very good idea especially for your first time, make sure its someone your comfortable with and trust. I wold reccomend taking two hits at first seeing how you feel and if you want more to then later take the third hit. Make sure to have some good music ready to go and spend some time outside. Let us know how everything goes and good vibes to you!:smoke:
  3. #3 phusion, Dec 2, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2008
    Have you ever taken hallucinogens before? If not, it is probably best to stay on the safe side and take one hit. You can take more, but you can't.. un-take more, you dig?

    It's pretty cold out, even here in California, so stay indoors or dress very warmly. Stay in a familiar place and if you can, get some music that you like and bring it with you. an iPod would work, but it might be odd to just trip out to music for hours while your friend sits idly by. Make sure to have a nice meal several hours before the trip, include some vit c to help your adrenal gland recover from the acid trip.

    Most acid is cut and will have a bitter taste to it, but by itself has no taste or smell. If you are two hours past ingestion and you feel you could easily handle a significant increase in affects, eat another hit. If you take it in the afternoon, prepared to be up most of the night. If you take it at night... be prepared to watch the sun rise.

    Smoking marijuana the day after the trip typically will bring back some affects of the acid-- this is also true for the comedown the night before. It can be relaxing, though.

    Stay positive, listen to some Sublime and or Hendrix.. try Castles Made Of Sand while tripping...
  4. I appreciate all of the help, really makes me feel better about tripping. I was worried about the temperature, it is normally 20 degrees f during the day here in NH so I don't know if I will be going outside. I might just bundle up and head over to some trails near my house. Is watching a movie a good idea or would that be too intense? I don't have any movies in mind, I would just like to find something trippy to watch. Thanks again for the help.
  5. I've heard movies on acid are pretty boring... the best thing to watch is nature itself, go for a walk, you wont regret it.

    I say start with 1 tab this time. Next time take the other 2 if you feel you can handle it.
  6. If you can chill with a friend you should take 2, or split them up between the two of you. Just find a real chill spot that you can do whatever you want and get whatever you need without hassle. Should be a fun time

    You wont know if its real acid or not unless you just take it
  7. sorry to thread-jack but i heard you cant touch the blotter paper with your fingers because the acid will rub off on your fingers is this true ??

  8. Yes thats true. ONly one side has acid on it but it surely can bleed through so its better to just keep it in tin-foil and not touch it at all. Store it in a dark, cool place and you will be good
  9. Very, very true. I know this question has been answered, but I'm just clarifying ;)
  10. #10 BUDdha KING, Dec 2, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2008
    Go for it main, pop all 3 of them bitches at once. As long as you have a positive mind set you will not have a bad trip. At all cost avoid flowing into the negatives, keep the GOOD VIBES flowing. This is your #1 priority of you want to have a good time on L. Don't plan on not having a plan for the night. Be somewhere you chill and not have to worry about parents or end up driving around all night. Movies are aight on L but its hard to concentrate on something because your mind is in constant deep thought. Be somewhere you can smoke to, thats def. #2 priority.

    REMEMBER AVIOD DOWNERS AND BAD VIBES MAN, keep shit flowing smooth.
  11. Good music is your best friend while tripping.
  12. pop all 3, good vibes. Youll love it.
  13. Honestly, my first time I did two and it didn't make anything appear that wasn't there.. A lot of distortion but no real appearances. I would honestly say start with 2, save that one for a rainy day. Honestly, it's common sense and I am positive you will be ok, you have a sitter, and as long as you have a place to go and something to do and a positive attitude you will be perfect.

    Have ton of fun man.:D

    If you want to know if it's for sure acid watch how he handles the paper. If he is very cautious about tearing it or he is extremely careful that is a giveaway. He will want to take good care of it if it's real.. Plus he wouldn't want to absorb it all off the paper haha
  14. -Take 2-3, you'll have a better 1st trip, getting the full effects
    -Make sure it's a GOOD environment, you don't want a bad 1st trip
    -Don't be afraid to seemingly be rude to people ruining your trip, you're much more sensitive than they are at the moment
    -Music is great, so is nature, walking around, blazing, watching music videos, visualizers, cartoons (best coming up or down)

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