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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Sexy, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. I have a question about bongs. I was just wondering if an 18.8mm joint size on the bong would equip with an 14.5mm joint size diffuser. Or do you have to fit everything with the same size 18.8 joint?
  2. Thanks :]
  3. I would think the sizes have to match up. I don't own a bong yet so don't take my word for it. seasoned bong users have answered.

    This is pretty much a bump for this guy.
  4. You can find adaptors for just about everything. I don't know if I've seen 14mm downstem to 18mm slider adaptors, but I have seen 18 to 14, so I'd imagine you could find a 14 to 18 if thats what you needed
  5. im gonna need some proof that you are sexy.:devious:
  6. which is more pointless... that post or my post?:p
  7. ....or my post? :eek:
  8. definitely my posts:cool:
  9. Oh you have no idea how unbelievably sexy I am.

    And thanks to everyone who answered
  10. no one here can even fathom the amount of sexy. lol
  11. I just ordered my second bong from the shop. Check it out in my signature.
  12. :smoke:
  13. :hippie:

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