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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by giggles619, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. I know this may seem like a stupid question but I never understood, why do people pick/grind their weed? Whats the point I just usually take out the stem or just throw the bud and stem in the bowl it smokes just fine so why pick at it or grind it?
  2. because it doesn't smoke just fine when you throw the entire nugget in, You get a better smoke when you grind it up and a more even burn.

    And for a cheap grinder, it impresses a lot of people when you're in a smoke circle and you start to grind your own weed. It looks a little less amateurish in my opinion.

    Also, grinders collect kief!:D

  3. i dont think breaking up weed with your hands is amateurish. I mean if you like fuckin throw a nug in there thern ya. But its badass and old school in my opinion to break it up with your hands:D

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