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Question :)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by NickM420, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. So, I get alot of my weed from friends at school. We tend to share whenever we get some. Only 3 of us, were like brothers. Both of my friends are rather on the less fortunate side as far as their parents money, so neither of them have phones, or computers so I can only talk to them through school. I understand that there are high risks at dealing at school. There are video camera all over. We tend to do it at lunch or after school in the bathroom. Although, there are other kids that smoke in the bathroom so I think that they might be suspicious at times. Do you know of something we could do so that it reduces the chance of getting caught?

    On another note, I was in the car with my mom this weekend driving around, and we were talking about police and she started talking about marijuana, saying that where as she dislikes it, she knows that if its something that I want to do, I'm going to do it. She just doesn't want it in her house. Which I respect, but my mom has never understood weed. My dad was a big hippie in his teens and did alot of Weed, and LSD. So my dad is more understanding, my mom has only tried weed because everybody else was doing it. (She said those exact words to me.) I want to try to show my parents that it is not as bad as everybody makes it out to be. And I also think that my mom views me as a delinquent. She knows that I skate, and smoke, and because I do that she always assumes things. EX: "I know that you probably think all cops and authority figures are dumb and wrong." And she constantly tells me how my friends and I look like thugs, and act like thugs. But I want to open their eyes and show them that it is not that bad. I do have a link to The Union. I have never watched it although I have heard people saying to watch it with your parents. If you all could tell me what it is about, that would be cool.

    THANK YOU if you took the time to read it all. :hello:
  2. Sounds like your ready to tell her. Just watch the union and then show her all the statistics and all the myths busted in the documentary. Also compare it to alcohol she gets a more realistic comparison

    good luck
  3. #3 I_Milk_Bongs420, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2010
    You should stay away from dealing in school and I strongly suggest you do not smoke in school. Yes, most of us have done it at one point in our days but thats just asking for trouble. The consequences for being near or/ on a school ground are much more harsh. I suggest you talk to your buddies in school and pick a particular time after school to meet and smoke? How about 4:20 :metal:? Haha but really smoking in school or even having anything with you is not a good idea. You should try smoking before school if your trying to pass up some time in classes, if thats what your trying to do? Oh and you should pass on this message to your buds too so they don't get busted and in serious trouble, if you decide to stop doing it in school. So be carefull, look out for your buds, and smoke that green! :smoking:

    As for your parents, that could be rough. I say be honost and tell them you are safe and carefull about it, that film your speaking of might work too.

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