question...then photos

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by stillsmokin', Jan 21, 2010.

  1. #1 stillsmokin', Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    my pH and fertility tester are telling my my pH is around 6.7, but my fertility is at "too little" ..plants about a foot leaves as big as my hand...should i worry about that reading since the pH overall is looking good...using a huge 200w CFL looking light for vegging then adding 150w hps for flower..thanks for the help. ill post some photos up indoors is much harder than outdoors. stay tuned.
  2. your going to need more wattage then that.. your 200w cfl is really only 50 watts. the 200w is the equivalent to an incandescent light. you will need at least 100w on each plant for descent growth. then 150w hps willl be great with a couple 100w cfls on the side of the plant for flowering, but i would reccomend getting a few more 26w (100w) equivalent cfls or at least 1 more of your 200w cfls for veg. and rember they need to produce 6500k for veg ( daytime lights )

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