Question regarding quantity/price of bud.

Discussion in 'General' started by FreekkShow, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. Sup guys.
    I've been smoking for a couple years now and I've come across this problem time and time again. I have a variety of different dealers, but they all seem to give me different amounts of bud for certain amounts of cash. Like, for 20 bucks with one dude, I'll get about a gram of sour, while with another guy I may get a dime of haze. It's leaving me feel fucked over half the time because I honestly don't know what's worth what. My question is, how much should I be getting, for let's say 20 bucks?
    If this is in the wrong spot I apologize, I'm new here. :p

    Thanks for the help.
  2. If its good bud it's usually $20 a gram. But the price varies on where you live. I live in the Midwest and almost every dealer sells a gram for $20

  3. Thanks so much. :smoke:
  4. For $20 a gram is completely normal everywhere in the US. But make sure it's a full gram. None of that .8 bullshit.
  5. This is true, here in NJ it's $20 a gram, but when it comes to good shit maybe you'll get .8 for $20. It sucks, people are so willing to fuck each other over here.
  6. I heard somewhere it's like 10 a gram for dank in medical states (street).
  7. [quote name='"hhbhagat1417"']I heard somewhere it's like 10 a gram for dank in medical states (street).[/quote]

    Yeah here in WA you can get $10 gram of dank.

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