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Question of the century

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by SaladFingers, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. So today around 1:00 my friend calls me up to go get lunch at Subway so I said agreed and accepted. Lone behold we toked up before hand :smoke:. About 15 minutes later in the middle of my meal.. the weirdest question comes to my mind: Why do people still grow thirties and schwag? Why do people even put any effort into it? Why not just grow amazing shit and sell it for a lot more, instead of shit shit.. that sells for shit also. My friends response was the same as mine.. there is no reason to grow bad weed. :confused:

    can someone answer my question!? I would really like to know.
  2. Some people on the grind cant get good seeds i guess
  3. probably the good shit take too much work and take too long to grow. and the bam grows outside w/o that much care and still rake in some cash
  4. that's bullshit.

    I used to sell schwag. And trust me, even though it is lesser quality and less money, it is still big big business. A pound of commercial runs about 250USD here in TX (closer to the border). However off of the pound I will make 800USD selling nothing but 50USD ounces, which is 550USD profit.

    Compare hydroponic sales. An ounce will run me about 400USD (based on quality). There are 28 grams in an ounce. I can sell 1g for 20USD maybe 25USD if its exotic. That's the limit tho, 25USD per gram. Which means I will make 560USD minimum, 700USD maximum... which means I would make between 160-300USD profit.

    So, the answer that lesser quality exists my friend, is it allows drug dealers to start a business with way less money, and still turn a huge profit margin. With dro, it costs more money to buy it, and yet you still make less profit. You really have to get a QP of hydro for it to be worth it, but that will run you near a thousand dollars. With schwag it sells a lot faster, makes more money (from the sheer weight/price ratio), and can still be of decent quality.

    So that's why it exists... I can spend 250USD on a pound and pretty much triple my money, OR I can spend 400USD and make about one and a half times that. Do the math, and yes all these numbers are acurate to the San Antonio, Tx area and I'm quite sure that they are proportional based on what part of the country you are in. :cool:
  5. i guess to start a business is good, but here you get a pound of primo for maybe 800 from a grower and you can turn it over at maybe 320ish for an ounce, more per 8th, or if you're selling by the pound to dealers, then less profit

    i think we're on different levels though

    to address the main question, schwagg could just be good weed that someone didn't know how to grow, but grew a shitload of it, it could just be shitty weather in mexico. it's cheap, it can get you reasonable loaded if you smoke enough, everyone has their price in mind, sometimes schwagg fits the budget.
  6. I KNOW I'm in the minority here, but I agree with Willie Nelson. "Weed is like Sex. Some of it is better than others, but none of it is bad".
  7. i do concur:hello:
  8. Yep.
    Schwag is grown outside in shitty weather and out of season.
    They don't take good care of it or worry about any of its problems.
  9. Yeah but selling also depends on who you know and shit.
    I can get ounces of medical grade shit for 200 dollars.
  10. The Mexican Cartels are in it for money. You make more money selling low quality bud, and you spend less money growing it.

    Guess where the majority of schwagg comes from?
  11. I'm sorry but that is no where close to being the question oF the century
  12. middies is proboally usuallyt grown outdoors in massaive operations and its just a grower imo throwing a bunch of seeds and not caring about taking out all the males and the growers main priority is to grow it and sell it asap. i never got this either. my guess would be that there not bad genetics just not grown with any care at all.
  13. Can someone please explain the meaning of these terms?
  14. shwag is wild, it grows basically without any maintenance...sooo why not throw a couple seeds in the woods and sell it to some stupid kids who dont know any better(like i used to be) people who thinks its the best shit in town cause they just dont know, and make mad money doing that and growing it for free and just selling it...

    its profit margin dude, thats all it is
  15. Dude none of your shwag is grown in America, America Grown is usually indoors specialty weed as is most of the outdoor grows. Shwag, my friend, is weed that a mexican farmer scattered some seeds over his plot and came back 3 months later to harvest them. The lack of prep, sex, and cure leaves you with some pretty seeded low grade bud. And to top it off now its gonna go sit in a car under the baking sun for a couple days as it finds it way into America...
  16. i like to think of a shwag grow as a big ass field in mexico where instead of corn, you've got weed where you really can't take the time to sex all those mother fuckers and there's so much around harvest you can't dry/cure it right. and there's so much you have to just pack that shit in bricks to transport it....anyways, why not grow corn hydroponically and get the much better quality? well...there's a demand for quantity, so you sacrifice the quality and just sell MORE.

  17. 2 things:

    1. No talk about dealing here at the city.

    and two:

    2. He's talking about the growers. If growers took more pride, better weed would be even more widespread. That's the whole point. If you had mucho mucho dank being grown, prices would go down.

    Supply and demand, grasshopper.

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