Im planning on a guerilla grow this year, and have thought about almost every thing that could go wrong. The only thing i can think of is that the plants will be growing in close proximity to a flare. At times the flare produces from what ive been told close to 7 million btus. Im wondering if the flares flames poduce the correct spectrum of light to cause the plants to hermie. The flare has a constant flame but its not enough to matter when its running regularly. If the plant is down it purges all gas flow thru flare resulting in said btus. the flare is 150-200 ft high to the top and will be 100- 250 yards away from closest plant for safety issues. If anyone can help me with this issue i will be greatly appreciative. -psycho
where are you even growing? dont even plant there then if theres a flare in the area. there shouldnt be random flares in the middle of the woods you know
well its seems to me like a perfect area to grow, minus the flare. its only going off hardcore when theres problems. maybe once a month for a day or night. raises temps in a 50 yard radius 20-30 degrees. but like i said the closest plant is 100- 250 yards away from flare. i was just wondering if the light produced from the flame was in the correct spectrum to produce hermies. theres 8-9 foot tall mesquite trees that suround it as far away as 600 yards. i can find a spot further away from flare but i like the area i have set up.
High psycokc I can give you a simple measure. If you go outside on a full moon night, you'll find that you cast a considerable shadow on the ground. Go to the sight and when the flare goes off, compare your shadow to that which would be observed on the full moon. The full moon can be bright and cannabis tolerates that light for hours on end and for nearly a week each month and does so even at the equator where the moons light is quite bright. Cannabis also tolerates considerable lightning strikes that can be daylight invoking and can last for several seconds without effecting the sexuality of the plant. These tolerances for light intrusions are natural to the plant. Comparison is the only method i know. I hope it helps ch
Thanks for the feedback clodhopper, i have a few pictures of the flame when its flaring close to 6 million btus.i will post them later. I think it wont hurt the plants 250-300 yards away because that far away its in the deep of the mesquites. but i will definitely try the shadow method next time im out. Im thinking the plants will be in the shadows of the mesquites until they get 6-7 foot tall which i have never had a plant that tall before and am looking forward to try this year. -psycho