I wouldn't suggest it......probly depends on you and your school....hell don't listen to me........I'm just an old fart. Been long time for me & school. If one of my kids turned out to be a stoner I would give him the same advice though.
i've broughten a pipe to school b4, i was scared the whole day lol, but tomorrow i gotta bring it or else i cant get any, i guess i just gotta say oh well and get it over with
basicly do it this way....bring it to school and have it hiden on your person (in the sock is a good place...never put it in a locker/backpack) when u smoke do it with a blunt/joint so that if you seem high no one can find incriminating evidence on you (pipe...left over weed)...oh yea and dont have any left after u get high and make sure to air your clothes out a bit before going back to class...gl
i understand u have to have weed but a pipe is a bad idea...go to the store and buy sum papers and put them in your wallet....hide the weed in your sock....bringing a pipe is just asking for trouble
I would not reccomend being high in school. If you're talking about taking a pipe in and getting high NO NO NO NO. If you're only talking about taking it in to give to other people then it would probably be ok with a few basic rules: *NO ONE YOU DON'T TRUST SHOULD BE TOLD ABOUT IT *KEEP IT ON YOUR PERSON DUDE- THE BIGGEST ONE OF ALL- IF YOU CAN'T FEEL IT IN YOUR POCKET DON'T PUT IT THERE. *DON'T ACT LIKE YOU'VE GOT IT THERE!!! AFTER ALL NO ONE IS GOING TO SEARCH YOU IF THEY HAVE NO REASON TO. NOW ARE THEY? THEY CAN'T LEGALY.
when i was in school before i dropped out a month ago i had weed on me like everyday and sometimes a bowl, i would smoke right in the school parking lot in my Blazer and sometimes teachers would walk up to me w/ smoke rollin out the windows and they just didn't care, sometimes when i went to class people all the way across the classroom would say they smell herb and i would just kinda chuckle then fall asleep at my desk. but if your school is hard on shit like herb i wouldn't take a bowl to school just wrap the herb up in a regular sheet of paper or cellafane(sp)_ from a cigarette pack.
I have brought a pipe to high school, when I was still in high school. I didn't have any trouble but I know people that have-- for your own safety it's just probably not a good idea. As for getting high before class, as long as you don't do it all the time, it can be a nice change of pace and help to make those classes a little less boring.
i've never smoked in school. I got high before school that was fun. But i do buy weed regualrly in school.
One day I had a nug of some skunky kind bud in my jacket pocket and all day I kept putting my nose to the pocket and smelling it and it made me so happy. But now when I think back on it, I could have got into some serious trouble because I probably reeked.
everything went aight, it was in a skittles package and the package looked like it has never been open, even some skittles in there!
I go to college and we have a smoking area which is meant for those of us who smoke cigerettes. It's two big metal bike shelters with some benches and stuff. Anyway, people always smoke weed there. The college has a CCTV camera looking at the smoking area the whole time but if you go under the shelter they can't see you. About 7 people I see regularly in the smoking area deal weed in college and loads of people smoke it in lunch or frees. I sometimes smoke it in a free, but I don't do it right before a lesson. I wear big skate jeans with huge pockets and just keep my stash tin in the pocket at all times. Some people I know keep their stuff in their bags, but the trick is then to never let the bag out of your site, or someone will nick your weed! As for a pipe, I've taken one in once before but I prefer to do J's because if anyone sees you they just think you're smoking a rolly. Some guys have taken in a big 1.5 foot bong before now but that strikes me as just a bit dumb. Woah, long post. I gotta go sleep.
man ill never bring a pipe to school again. just the other day ibrought my brand new glass piece to school(that i still owe 30 bucks to the guy i got it from)but the principal called me down to his office i guess cause he thaugt i stole some girls wallet and he checked my pack and found the pipe now im suspended for 3 days and lost my brand new pipe! "Don't Be Stupid, Leave your Shit At Home"
I use to go home during lunch with a few of my friends to my house... a block or so away from school. Smoked ate some munchies and went back. The only way i could deal with a double period of AP bio. I never got cought, fell asleep often but only ppl i went with knew! Only time ppl actualyl knew something was when i went drunk to school! DON"T DO THAT! Hey with all that i still got a 5 on the AP exam, highest grade... Weed enhances. =þ
be careful takin that pipe to school if you get busted they can really get you in trouble because it is on school property and all i'd get a blunt or two and some papers or something because those are not illegal just be really careful man
I'm WAY too paranoid to do ANYTHING of the sort... i'm usually afraid just being stoned... have fun guys..