Question for someone who blazes at least once a day.

Discussion in 'General' started by lmikelowrey, Jul 28, 2009.

  1. I was just curious about something. I just recently got out of the army about a month ago. And now is the first time in a long time I can blaze all the time. So i've been smokin alot with my wife. For the last month we have smoked every single day at least once. We noticed our tolerance was getting really high for the mid grade stuff we get, so we decided to take a break. As soon as we stopped we both got really sick. Its like 5 days later and we are both still sick. Like common cold sick(runny nose, cough, headache, body aches.) My question is this, is the reason we got sick because we stopped smoking? Or is it just coincidence. This question is intended for someone who did take a break after smoking every day and either did get sick or didn't. I know hard drugs like coke and heroine can cause people to get sick when they stop doing it. Does this happen with Marijuana, i've always smoked just not as much as I did this last month. Thanks any advice helps!

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