Question for people who have been busted...

Discussion in 'General' started by Jonsi, Aug 25, 2006.

  1. Alright, as some of you might see from some of my previous posts, I'm a bit of a financial freak. I love doing financial shit. Well I figured it'd probably be a good idea to start a lawyer fund.... you know, in case I get pinched or something. So that way I don't have to go into major debt to pay for a lawyer because I got caught. I'd like to just be able to have money sitting somewhere, just in case. But now here's my question, how much does it cost? Obviously there's going to be a difference between locations, lawyers, and so many other factors. But basically, I'm looking for people to throw figures out, and I'll decide a nice average, and what not and go by that.

    So, for anyone who has been caught, know people who've been caught, hell, maybe you just know a lot about legal fees. I'm asking anyone who is relatively certain of their answer, not someone coming in and saying "oh a few thousand" with no proof to back it up, how much did you pay if you don't mind sharing? Also, what severity of the crime? Because obviously moving pounds is going to be a much more difficult case and is going to require more lawyer time then say a possession and paraphenelia... so just help me out, I'm curious. And if you don't feel like sharing the amount, no worries, I completely understand.

    *is clueless on lawyer fees*
  2. Jonsi, you are way too responsible dude, *hits Jonsi on arm, and tells Jonsi to lighten the fuck up* lol. Depends how you are busted but for me it was 500. But I really was only supposed to pay 150 I fucked up though. That was for causing a war - I mean disturbing the peace- smoking the ganj in public. My bro's been caught and ended up getting reckless driving or some shit and that was like 2 grand or so I think it ended up being incl lawyers fees and everything. He had a bunch of paraphenalia and weed and was high.
  3. haha, I stress about EVERYTHING... that's why I smoke the green, it mellows me out... it's my only vice (well... if you don't count porn) so, hah :) My lovely escape, how I love the green.
  4. When I got stopped at an intersection while i was slingin in my car, i had a fat O in my glove department, scale, pipes, all that shit, and so naturally i was like, wow i'm completely fucked... Got arrested in front of many people, dogs all up in my car and shit. So i went in to drug court to avoid jail, and i got a lawyer for $1000, and he saved my ass from jail by pointing out the illegal search and seizure those punk ass pigs pulled. So, i only had to go to rehab instead of 5 months in jail, 2 years maximum...
  5. I wanna know this also.
  6. Also, i might mention, my father, who got raided, with 81 plants, and 3 pounds bagged and ready to go, payed $5000 for a lawyer, but there really isn't much you can do in his case. I talked to him yesterday, and he pleaded not guilty, because it was for his own personal medical use...... lol
  7. Wow Jonsi...your one of those people who worries about the sky falling on your head.;) but you know what dude..its a great quality to have..because if you do get busted you can be like "ok sweet ill bust out my lawyer fund" makes sense and it means your covering your back...pretty smart move in my opinion.. i wish i could be this organised! I'm not too sure on lawyer fee's though...haha shit i keep making useless posts in your thread that offer no solution at all!
  8. haha, it's all good. :p Atleast one of the threads you'll have info about in a few days... hah

    But, I just figured if I get busted, I know I'm going to be flipping out, so if I can atleast protect myself and get rid of one worry that would come from the situation, it might help a bit :) hah...
  9. Wait I'm a little confused. Is a lawyer fund where you pay X amount of money a month to have a lawyer like on standby so you only use him when you need him? Or is it when you just save money so you can get a lawyer in case you ever got into any shit? If it's the latter, then is it possible to just pay a certain amount of money to have a lawyer on standby? I don't really know shit about how lawyers work and all that.
  10. Hah, I don't know if you can do that standby thing... when I say lawyer fund, I'm saying I'll just open up yet another savings account and throw money into there, only to be touched if I need a lawyer. hah
  11. Oh. I always hear about how people say they have a good lawyer or whatever, and I just figured they had like a lawyer on standby or something.

    You know how some people sue McDonalds or whatever because they're fat? Do they really pay a few thousand dollers for a lawyer to sue the company, when it's obvious they'll lose the case?
  12. I think most the times most lawyers might do this for a discount or free... why? Because it makes yahoo headlines, which in turns gives them national recognition, which in turn = free advertising on a MASS scale.

    But I could be wrong.
  13. You're probably right.

    Does anyone know if prepaid legal fights drug charges?
  14. What's prepaid legal? Do they just give you legal advice or what?
  15. Thats a good idea, save up for a lawyer.. :)
  16. most of the time its bout 1k for your first posession and then goes up from there.
  17. why dont you just worry about not getting caught
  18. Because it's easy to have a few bucks automatically taken out of your paycheck and put into a seperate savings account. It literally takes all of 30 seconds. Find the routing number/account number, write it down on a piece of paper your HR department gives you, and forget about it. So now I have money automatically being funneled into this account, at such a small amount that it doesn't hurt my life style (I can afford to not go see one movie every pay period, or eat in as opposed to eating fast food, just once a payperiod). And I don't have to think about it ever again, why? Because it's AUTOMATIC! (the key to being a successful saver is setting up your savings plans to be done automatically, because then you can't make BS excuses as to why you need that extra money that pay period, read "The Automatic Millionaire" by David Bach if you'd like more information about automatic saving) So now, I don't even have to worry about this... so I can devote my time and energy to do exactly as you said, not get caught. But, I'm a realist... I know there is potential for me to get caught, and if that time comes, I'll have a little extra money earmarked specifically for that reason to fall back on so I don't have to take out a loan, or max out my credit cards to stay out of jail :) Thus preserving my financial independence. Afterall, when you get caught... you're more concerned about saving your actual independence, and if you don't have money to fight the cause, you'll be spending energy which could be devoted to your case, to finding money to fight your case.

    That's why my friend, because it's so incredibly simple and it provides peace of mind... 30 seconds is all you need.
  19. Yes it's good to have lawyer funds happening(save alot because they are very pricy) but from the people I know whom are at risk of being busted don't get their hands dirty and pay someone else too. They take good care of their right hand man(lawyer fees, smokes, food, whoresLOL) Whatever!:cool:

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