Question for Mad Scientist V2 users

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by moe.ron87, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. I just recieved mine today, and im stoked. Going to wait for my buddy to smoke out of it first (i beleive its bad juju to take the first toke out of pipe's i buy).

    Anyways, Ive heard that the percolator is fragile to say the least, and that it is important to lube the perc before insertion, hehe. :hello::smoking:
    Is this needed, and what would i use to lube it? Thanks ahead.
  2. Vaseline?

    It works but makes the lube situation even more suggestive :p
  3. haha thanks brah, ive got random stuff around here that could be used. Carmax, Vasaline, Lube gel etc.etc.etc, just didnt know what was best.
  4. Congrats:smoking: You own one great pipe the perc goes in with the hooked tool. no lube needed . its a great idea to buy an extra perc or two. I own one and love it try the two ashcatchers with it makes it a 4 chamber bong. super clean hits.....:smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking:

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