Question for experienced growers

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Thowed Off, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. What has produced more yield/better quality bud.. Short bushy plants or taller stretched slimer plants? It appears from what I have seen that the shorter bushier grows have trouble getting light inside the canopy and produce more flower points but only pop corn buds Nd the taller linkier ones produce less flower points but larger buds... How does the yields vary and quality with the different grows?
  2. It's very much strain dependent, you can't really say one shape of plant is better.
  3. Right.... I guess I should be asking has any1 tried both methods with same strain and noticed any significant difference in yield or quality
  4. problems:
    shorter plants give less yield b/c they are smaller
    taller plants can be harder to manage b/c of differences in canopy height, lower buds not receiving light and branches fall over when they get heavy

    the solution: SCROG

    i wish i had implemented it sooner. i have doubled and almost tripled my original yields.

    its simply a net that allows you to grow the plants horizontally under the light instead of vertically so all bud nodes receive similar light and increased growth. also solves the problem of stability and keeps everything level
  5. I've been looking into scroging and i was impressed... Does it take up more horizontal space or does scroging a smaller(shorter) plant still increas yield and utilize same space... I have a 2 foot wide by 4 foot deep space... Is that enuf room to scrog 2 plants at a time?

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