Question for all the Pro-Government People

Discussion in 'Politics' started by HongKongPhooey, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. Sowell is pretty dope. Highly recommend him to anyone interested in race, politics, and economics.
  2. Well I don't think they'd turn Communist either. But Pseudo-Socialist? That's something that can happen IMO.

    Well I don't like Corporations taking over either. In fact I feel government is to blame for Corporate take over of government. Government is inherently evil, its a big gang that took over. So you might use it for a positive force, but eventually that positivity turns bad. History says this happens, over and over and over again.

    There's more to life then money IMO. Sure it makes you comfortable but happiness isn't measured by the amount of commas in your bank account. I've noticed that people of your ilk are really stuck on that. In fact if people want to make more money the only person holding them back is themselves. I've been taught that my whole life, by libs and conservatives.

    What have republicans done to help the common man? Let them keep their guns! That's the common man's top weapon, that and protest.
  3. But I posit that government is just a big gang or mob. Government fights over territory, never heard of imminent domain? How about all those dead Natives the last 300+years? My family lost all their farm land in Orange County, California to build an airport. Hey we got a dollar an acre at least right?

    But what if this regulated process votes in a mad man? A 70 year old loose cannon who starts fights with everybody? Or worse yet a real tyrant? What if in that scenario, the people have given up their guns? They've let the government run their healthcare And now a tyrant pulls the strings.

    I tell you what I'm running for the wilderness.
  4. Yeah but in an unregulated place, you don't even get the option of election. You're just stuck with a guy you may or may not hate. Gangs have a tendency to fight over territory. Seems like that'd become a real problem without a government. Seems like basically anyone with the biggest guns and money would essentially be ruling over you.

    Gee. Doesn't sound too different tho from the politicians we elect. Only difference is, in a lot of cases, we are the idiots who elected them in in the first place
  5. You are still stuck with a guy you may or may not hate in this shitty and evil excuse for a system called democracy. Stop making excuses for evil and licking boots.
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  6. Hey at least somebody gets it
  7. Bring your wife, bring your children, gather round. Let the voice of the good Judge Napolitano talk about government, things like natural law or pre politics law and wash over you.

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  8. You need a state strong enough to be stable, but that's it. The ideal state shouldn't be directly involved in daily life. Limit the power of government and you remove both the incentive for and damage caused by corruption

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