question about using a vaporizer.....

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by drifter106, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. Have it narrowed down to either the Solo or the MFLB and have a concern.  As I use a pipe now I can control the amount of material in the bowl.  It only takes me 2 strong draws and I am good.  With the vaporizers, other than the MFLB, can you control the about of material you are vaporizing? Right now its only me and it doesn't need to be filled completely worried about material falling out of the tube.
    Can you start a session and not UTILIZE all of your material?  Turn the heat element down and save the remaining material for later?  Or is it a "use all in one session" deal?
    Can you tell I am relatively new to this....when I was younger we just rolled it up in papers....go figure!

    Yes and yes.
  3. Even with the MFLB you can put in a pinch and have it work pretty well, although that's my personal experience with the older model. I'm not sure with the newer model.
  4. Just got the solo about 2 weeks ago and don't think I've packed a full bowl yet.

    If u only wanna take a few pulls then turn it off pull the stem out so it don't keep cooking the element stays hot for a little while.

    Planet vape sells a stem with a 30% smaller bowl I've been wanting but it's out of stock and it keeps getting pushed back so idk.

    U can also use a domed screen in the bowl to effectively make the bowl smaller.
    IMO the high efficiency stems are not worth it. The draw restriction is there for a reason, and it's much cheaper to dome a screen to make a smaller bowl.

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