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Question about using a hookah

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 4twen_t, Mar 23, 2009.

  1. I've smoked once out of a hookah, (shaped like scooby-doo's head) and was wondering if its actually okay to do. I mean, on the hookah sites it says never use anything except the shisha tobacco, but do they say that just because they dont want you to use the herb? Also, I was wondering...if you were to smoke weed from it, do you HAVE to do it like you would a bong? I was wondering if you could mix the weed up with some of the shisha tobacco (I have mint, its my favorite) and if that would work. Thanks everyone!
  2. This is just from something a friend told me who tried it but hookahs apparently are very inefficient for use in smoking pot, a lot of the herb burns away before you can smoke any of it and in general it's just not something you want to use to smoke with.
  3. i have a hookah myself and i have a can of shisha that has a some herb mixed in with it. it is fine to smoke pot in it but i suggest that u get a spare bowl for it becuause ur weed will be mixed with the tobacco that was smoked in there in the orginal bowl. i acually have a 2 head hookah bowl that i put my herb in one side and the tobacco in the other and it works pretty well. u dont have to hit it like a bong just smoke it like u would be smoking your hookah.
  4. Thanks for the info! I'll be sure to get another bowl and give it a shot. And I also heard that its inefficient for smoking out of...But really, why is that? Its the same principle as a bong. Especially if you just light it instead of using the charcoal.
  5. What I sometimes do is line the inside of the bowl with tinfoil and poke the necessary holes through it, then mix the shisha with not so much weed, occasionally adding weed as I smoke (so as to not waste the weed because it does burn fast). And I def feel the effects of shisha + weed. But this is only if Im smoking with 3 or less people so that we all feel the high.
  6. yeah it definitely works. make sure to grind the weed very finely and mix it thoroughly into the shisha and dont let it get too hot. it usually lasts quite a while and sneaks up on you. overall its a very pleasant way to smoke.
  7. I loaded straight pot into my bowl ( Massive bowl) and lit that shit up with a lighter and was tripping balls. :cool:
  8. That's weird that they say don't use anything except shisha tobacco, because there's a hookah bar in my town that uses other herbs (not weed, obviously haha) that aren't tobacco. Because of that they let underage kids smoke, and they even have a teen night on Saturdays... But yeah, it still works just as well and gives you a really nice buzz, but it's not tobacco.

    K, sorry for the somewhat unrelated topic.
  9. It sounds to me like most of you aren't using the hookah correctly. The ceramic bowl on top is not for your herb. You put a hot coal in that. Underneath the ceramic bowl, there is a place for your ganj or tobacco. When you inhale, it runs hot air from the coals over the ganj. After your hit is over, it shouldn't be burning anymore. They're pretty efficient when used the right way.
  10. Nah man you do put the stuff in the bowl... There is a screen that sits on top of the bowl that the coal sits on and if you don't have a screen use some foil. :)
  11. If you do the coals right and get the temperature just right, it could in theory be like a vape.
    The few times I have tried to smoke herb out of a hookah have sucked.
  12. You can smoke pot out of it, but the tar will build up very quickly and block out the tubes. Smoking hash wrapped around in sisha works the best, very high, very relaxed, no smell.
  13. Thanks to everyone. I think I'm gonna give it a shot tomorrow, mixed with the tobacco. Minty goodness. :D Also, I've left my weed in a little box for about a week or so...its probably dry....that a bad thing?
  14. Me and my college buddies use a hookah quite often to smoke bud out of, and it's usually a pretty satisfying experience. Best way to do it is to put a layer of sheesha in the bowl, then a layer of fairly ground up bud, then another layer of sheesha on top. The mix usually tastes really good and the high is great.
  15. I wouldn't worry about it. It's just gonna burn faster and have a slight loss in potency. It's still very smokeable. If you buy bud often you should really get an airtight jar to store your bud in(like a mason jar). Best place is a cool, dark place like your dresser.

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