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Question about System

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Tmacfan52, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. Hey guys, I smoked weed everyday from last December to July 13, but I haven't smoked in almost 26 days now (job reasons). But when I begin smoking again, Instead of smoking everyday (which I found not to be worth it, and my tolerance became fucked), I'm only smoking on weekends. My question is, once weed is completely out of my system and I start smoking again, will it be out of my system before the next weekend? I have read that It will only be in your system 3 days or so if your an occasional smoker. But since I used to smoke, will it just reset to 30 days? Keep in mind I am pretty skinny, and will be working out everyday. I'm 6'1 and I weigh 160.
  2. [quote name='"Tmacfan52"']Hey guys, I smoked weed everyday from last December to July 13, but I haven't smoked in almost 26 days now (job reasons). But when I begin smoking again, Instead of smoking everyday (which I found not to be worth it, and my tolerance became fucked), I'm only smoking on weekends. My question is, once weed is completely out of my system and I start smoking again, will it be out of my system before the next weekend? I have read that It will only be in your system 3 days or so if your an occasional smoker. But since I used to smoke, will it just reset to 30 days? Keep in mind I am pretty skinny, and will be working out everyday. I'm 6'1 and I weigh 160.[/quote]

    All depends on how much you smoke.. but if its not alot like maybe 2 times and workout everyday then you should be good.
  3. That is all nearly impossible to tell without having so many other factors. But generally speaking, 30-45 days (More or less depending on your body fat and how your body's metabolism regulates fat absorption and detoxification of metabolites.) will allow you to pass a drug test, but it will not be completely out of your system until much longer.

    Your blood level for THC would have to read 0 ng/mL in order to be completely clean.
    If you do smoke once per weekend then theoretically you should be able to pass a drug test the day before the next smoking session.

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