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Question about storing...

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by devinh124, Jan 4, 2009.

  1. Hi all, i am supposed to be picking up an ounce of dro in a few...i am wanting to keep it as fresh as possible, would it be ok if i put the bud in a yankee candle airtight jar and put it in the fridge or freezer? what would be best??
    thanks for your help!
    happy smoking...:smoke:=:p
  2. Dont put it in the fridge or freezer, its pointless and it will only hurt the weed, dont listen to anyone. Just keep it in anything air tight, a jar is perfect, the baggy would be fine also.
  3. the baggy isn't fine.
    use a jar.
  4. Jars are great. No smell, all fresh.
  5. i would think that a freezer or fridge would make the buds try out and get hard. A jar should be just fine
  6. including yourself?

    Air tight jars work fine...

  7. Misinformation yet again on GC...go figure. A freezer will *slightly* damage the cannabis. A refridgerator will not, and in fact the best way for long term storage is to put it vaccum sealed bags or jars and refridgerate it.

    For storage less than 6 months an airtight jar kept in a dark place at room temperature is fine.

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