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Question about smoking inside

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SirTokesAlot64, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. I am a senior in high school, and my brother is a junior. He is COMPLETELY anti-weed and if he caught me he would tell my father(which he has already done once). I usually have to wait until 10:45pm to do a before bed bowl because if he is awake he might smell it. I dont have to worry about my mom, she doesn't care if i smoke. (dad lives 45 minutes away).

    Anyways, my bro is usually is sitting in the den which is 10~ feet away from my door to my room. If i put a towel under the door and made sure i blew all my smoke out the window, would the smell of bud lurk out of my room and into the den?

    I'm always paranoid whenever i smoke in my room that my brother can smell it because the smell lurking on my breath spreads out of my room or that some smoke could have gone back into my room and it goes through the cracks in the sides and bottom of my door(my house is really old and there are little like 1/2 CM wide gaps in the door on the sides, and top.

    could i get away with it?

    (sorry for the long post...) :smoke:
  2. Just slip outside man. Play it smart.
  3. Make a sploof and blow out the window. Take a toilet paper tube and stuff it with about 10 dryer sheets. Blow the smoke through that out the window. Also, be wary of cherry smoke from the bowl.
  4. This. Its not worth getting caught unless your parents dont mind. just dont make the same mistake i did. (my most recent thread)
  5. If your Mom is fine with you smoking, why not go on a walk? Tell your brother your waling the dog or something. If your Mom backs you up then...

  6. cant slip outside. id have to walk through the den lol. my house is pretty small and its REALLY hard to move around without been heard/seen..

  7. yeah i read that yesterday haha! really sux man..

  8. my brother is smart and if i just left conspicuously at 9:00 hed know something was up... i think im just gona try and lean out the window all the way so no cherry gets in and just leave my window open for 5~ minutes to air it out. thats what i usually do when hes asleep.
  9. Dude... I live with nazis(not actual nazis)... Strict nazis... lol Ones that will send me off to some middle eastern nation...

    So obviously i cant get caught... All i've ever done is stuck my head out the window to blow the smoke out... Never been caught... and i've been smoking like this everyday for the past month or 2.
  10. MFLB would be the best for your situation honestly :smoke:
  11. Sorry but your brother is a fucking asshole.
  12. walk outside pretending to talk on your cell phone or some shit. come on it's not that hard
  13. Your brother is a bitch. Anyways, if your mom is cool with it, why not work some shit out with her? Go for a walk or some shit like that
  14. ^ MFLB FTW! But if you don't want to spend $100 then just do like you do, blow it out the window and be smart and safe, always better than being caught. And nah the smell really doesn't slip out of your room like some russian spy.. just stays in the room for the most part, and if you blow it out the window it shouldn't even smell the room up.

    Good luck :smoking:
  15. If you have people like my parents or seemingly his brother in the house, they will find out you went outside and they will check you and see if you have been smoking. I got caught again today, but its the first time i got caught in the house. I smoked inside multiple times a day, for a few weeks, until today i never got caught. I made a sploof and blew though it under the bed and sprayed under and around my bed afterwards. Then i got cocky, i got away with it that way many times, so why not try and just blow through the sploof into my room. It worked for a week or two, and yesterday i thought i should have changed the dryer sheets in my sploof, but i didn't. Bad decision. They smell like weed and don't work after a few weeks usage.
    I would recommend my first way of getting away with it as I have never got caught that way. Make sure you change the dryer sheets in the sploof every week or so!
  16. Take the dog for a walk
  17. wind direction is key when smoking from a window.
  18. Here is a short version of my Jamaican Hotbox post copied from a thread I posted in earlier today. I need to find sometime to make put in all the little nuances and make a guide. but here ya go:

    Your in luck OP as I happen to be GC's resident Jamaican Hotbox expert.

    You can do one of two things, either

    A)Use a sploof



    Making a sploof is quick and easy. All you need is an empty toilet paper roll and some dryer sheets. Pack the dryer sheets into the empty roll and then blow the smoke through and your good to go.

    Or you could go with the fun option JAMAICAN HOTBOX!!!!!

    Now to gather your supplies:

    One (1) towel to place under each door of your bathroom doors

    One (1) bottle of your favorite body spray/anti deodorizer


    A smoking utensil of your choice


    Now that you have everything you need go into your bathroom and turn the shower on full blast as hot as it can go. Make sure to point the shower nozzle at the shower floor. This would be a good time to throw on some background music, even if its just a beat, anything will do. Place a towel at the base of the door and push it up in there all nice and tight like, but make sure not to push it under the door, so as not to arouse any suspicion. Close all vents in the bathroom at this time. When the room starts to get slightly hazy lock the door(s) and get to smoking After your sesh turn off the shower, open a window and let it air out for 5 min and give it a quick little once over with that anti deodorizer you brought and then your golden.

    And don't forget to hop in the shower and get wet. Nothing worse then walking out of the bathroom after a shower completely dry and tipping them off you didn't actually shower

    Hope that helps you man and happy toking
  19. just smoke anyways. your brother can suck it. and your dad already knows might as well desensitize him to it a lil more
  20. i suggest investing in a vaporizer. Then you would never have to worry about your brother, or anyone for that matter, smelling you smoke weed.

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