today i got the bright idea of using my mediocre photoshop skills to make myself a sig to use on this site. i looked at the guidelines and noticed they can't be larger than 300x125 (or vice versa, whatever) so i get to work making this nice sig, come to find out i can't get a 300x125 Jpeg any smaller than 39kb. the site's limit is 300x125, OR 20kb, whichever is SMALLER. this is a problem, mainly because after cutting the quality down to the lowest possible, and making it half the size, i still can't get it below 29kb. i know massive elaborate sigs get quite annoying and take forever to load, but is there a reason the maximum file size usable is about 1/4th of what the dimensions are? the following picture is what i want to be my sig, took me about 20 minutes to make with CS2. anyways, i just had to rant a bit because i've never encountered a site that had such restrictive sig policies. 20kb is nothing, and if you're still on 56k well, i feel bad for you, because nowadays high speed DSL or cable costs the same, if not less than most dial up connections. and worse yet, now the picture is so small you can hardly read it
We do still have members on dial up and I'm sure that's one factor in SJ's decision. The fact is that the owner of the site came up with the limits and everyone is expected to stay within them. I've seen some amazing sigs around here that had to be deleted due to size. It's unfortunate in some cases but it is what it is. I will say that I have a list of things to discuss with him and I'll add the sig limits onto it.