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Question about resin

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by areece14, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. so earlier today, i cleaned out my bowl with some hot water and a paper clip. i ended up scraping out all the resin into a big pile but its wet. is there any way i can form it into a ball and dry it out or something? basically im just asking if there is any use for this kind of res.

    thanks for the help city!
  2. Roll the resin into a ball and it will dry out.
  3. resin hits are greasy do yourself a favor and toss it in the trash before you end up with a massive headache from all the shit in that resin and the amount of shit you inhale from the lighter getting the shit to smoke.

    yes i speak from experience. once was enough.

    but if youre desperate just let it sit on your window ledge for the day itll dry out somewhat...or just put a lighter to it and breatheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  4. ^^ No? Maybe you inhaled too much butane but I've never gotten a headache from smoking resin. That shit fucks you up. I don't reccomend doing it a lot but if you have it, smoke it.
  5. thanks a lot!
  6. Whenever I smoke a resin ball, my body is all like "hurr imma durr", it's rad. Not as good as tree, but it works.
  7. Leave it loose. It smokes better.
  8. yep, jus leave it nd let it dry for a lil
  9. Question, if you have a pipe (metal one), how the hell can you leave the resin loose and smoke it? I can't do that because it all goes through the hole and to the bottom of the pipe. I have no choice but to roll it in a ball and smoke it like that. Suggestions?
  10. With a screen, you could always just leave it use. If you leave it in a ball though, it burns more like hash I guess I would say.

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