Only if there is a time release. Like on oxycontin and Xanax XR. Though it seems like any pill makes a difference, its prolly in your head though. Idk
snorting things generally gives me a more intense, but shorter high. whereas parachuting give me a longer lastinf, but milder one
if you snort xanax like i have done many of times, they really dont do shit to you because most of the powder gets caught up in your nasal passage, so that is a fucking waste of a good xanax. The best way to take xanax is to parachute them. And then take some more!!
if its opiate based or has a high binder/active ratio or advil you can wash it out reducing the mixture on a heatplate or similar flameless heat source will net you fairly clean power that if snorted would probably give a typical sense of snorting = fucked up fast