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Question about picking up from your...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DesiPrince1212, Jan 28, 2010.


    I pick up from my boy often at his place but sometimes I get so paranoid that as soon as I pick up the law will just have a HUGE raid. And unfortunately, he won't deliver. Am i just being paranoid? Or just in case if it happens, what should I do, like proper protocol?
  2. you're just paranoid.

  3. true. but just in case, anyone have any tips? besides QUICK, RUN! haha.
  4. Do what they say.
  5. What you do is

    If they ask to search you. You have the right to resist. They dont want you.

    Also If they catch you walking out of the house after a buy.

    you tell them I had this when I went it.
    I smoked a bowl with him.

    YOU DONT no matter what. DONT say you picked up from him

    they cant prove you didnt have it when you went it. They cant prove you bought anything.

    He could be a known dealer to the police.

    Stay in the house for about 10mins.
    Dont go in walk out that will get you noticed

    BUT always say you had the bag before you went in.
    Dont rat your guy out.

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