My water from the tap is 7.0 when i check the runoff after watering its 6.2-6.3. When i feed i make sure the ph is from 6.5-6.7 and when i check the runoff its like 5.8. Should i make the ph in my feed higher then 6.5-6.7?
yeah..i would increase the ph of the feed water untill your run off is 6.6 or so...........maybe are ph'ing after addin' nutes right
what medium you growing. Seems to have an acidizing effect... Seems to have an acidizing effect... How bout trying to flush in order to get rid of the excess nutes present in the medium. 6.6 Is a good pH level for feeding.
flush could never hurt and adding dolamite lime to medium acts as sort of a ph buffer..wont let it swing too much..a modest amount of salts will result in a .2 or.3 drop in runoff ph
I'm growing in fox farm ocean forest 70% soil/30% big perlite pieces. Already flushed. Of course i'm phing after i add nutes What should my runoff ph usally be at?
ideally about 6.5 to6.8 or so but its always a little lower after runnin' through the root ball...your just off a little bit so increasing the feed ph is a good solution...are the leaves all are the tips..sorry about the ph questionbut you wouldn't believe the amount of people who ph their water then add nutes..peace deacon
Alright well since my runoff during watering is 6.2-6.3 and its at 7.0 water, then i should raise it to about 7.4 or so along with my feed so my runoff ph is within 6.4-6.8?
yeah..just up the ph of water and feed solution a little bit on the front end to raise the should take a look at a ph/nutes lock out you can see what range your ph would have to be to lock out nutes...soil is the toughest medium for ph control...can not stress enough how much good some dolamite lime would for your medium..i know its fox farms and good stuff...but the lime sure helps...any meit takes time and experience but soon you will start to be able to read what your plants need just by lookin' at em
Id wouldnt raise the feeding solution to 7.4. Ill raise it first to 7, 7.1 tops. And test the runoff. How are your plants doing? Signs of nute burn or deficiency? If they seem to be ok not wise to make drastic changes. Be on the lookout for anything strange and be ready to flush just in case. Hope they will be fine
okay, so where the hell can i pick up some dolamite lime? When i mix my new clones i'll add some to my medium. My plants seem to be doing fine, no signs of anything lol. i just know they eat at 6.3-6.8 ph, and my runoffs wack so i know there not eating correctly. I'll up the ph a little and see how it goes
For pelletized limestone Home Depot. Shoot for a PH run off right around 6.5. Espoma Garden Lime, 5 Lb. - GL5 at The Home Depot
Rah, I always thought that the ideal PH for soil is between 5.5 and 6.5??? Thats what Ive been aiming for anyway, and what it says on my nutes...
So i went and got 2 boxes of Prilled Dolomite lime ( Whitney Farms Dolomite Lime (prillied) - Scotts Miracle-Gro) I was wondering how much i should add per gallon of soil?
maybe a 1/3 cup per gallon of the an old chef so i just toss shit inand on your plants now you can mix some with your soil and topdress..put an inch of amended soil on top of you plants now and it will start working slowly
alright well i guess i'm going to mix up a batch of soil and top dress my plants and see how it goes thanks for the help man