Question about past weather conditions and current plant size

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by sandiegodank, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. hi world.....My plant is about 50 maybe 60 days old. It was hit by really bad weather rain, and even a hailstorm. I also fucked up most of its roots after transplant but it recovered and is growing normally. HOWEVER IT IS SO SMALL!

    My question is since it went through all this shit is it going to take longer to grow or just yield me less bud. Like a charlie brown tree ? thanks
  2. #2 sandiegodank, Apr 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2012
    it has about 3 or 4 sets of marijuanaleaves.. like full leaves.. . its posted in my thing somewhere im sorry for laziness goomin for the night
  3. Hey sandiebodank

    If i had to guess you have a number of problems that seem big now but should disappear later on.

    1. You probably have some root damage and transplant shock and it can take a month to get over that.
    2. If the soil you planted in has a temp below about 68=70 farenhiet, cannabis wont grow. Nor will tomatoes and a great number of other plants but cannabis is a tropical plant and it dont like cold feet. Do you have a cooking meat thermometer? When the soil gets warm, the plants should grow.

    3. If the plant is in decent soil it should be fine and grow in time. Im at 38N and if i have a plant that is 6" tall on june 1, it will finish on oct 1 at 5' with 10 oz's of smoke. The entire season lay before you,(if your in the northern hemisphere) and by the end of it you could have a 10', depending on the strain


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