Question about outdoor growing

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by ty14, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Okay so i grew some last year but i had help and didn't really take care of them because my other buddy did.. Basically i'm wanting to know some good strains to grow outside, that isn't hard to grow, and a book that will teach me everything i need to know... Also where is a good place to buy seeds and get them shipped to the U.S.? Or is that even legal? [​IMG]

    All help is appreciated :wave:
  2. No need for a book, Grasscity has a whole section for growing, you should check it out. Probably even more useful than some books.
  3. Do you know any good beginner seeds? Is it even legal to ship seeds into the us? Cuz i'd rather not get busted lol..
  4. How is it legal to get pot seeds? I need more information.. I believe you but i'm just curious how its legal haha

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